
Bun v0.8.1

Jarred Sumner · August 26, 2023

Bun v0.8.1 adds unix domain socket support for Bun.serve(), fixes a performance regression, and fixes bugs in bun install, node:http and napi.

Bun 1.0 is coming on September 7th! Register for the launch stream at https://bun.sh/1.0.

Bun is an incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, transpiler, and package manager — all in one. We've been releasing a lot of changes to Bun recently. Here's a recap of the last few releases. In case you missed it:

  • v0.7.0 - Web Workers, --smol, structuredClone(), WebSocket reliability improvements, node:tls fixes, and more.
  • v0.7.1 - ES Modules load 30-250% faster, fs.watch fixes, and lots of node:fs compatibility improvements.
  • v0.7.2 - Implements node:worker_threads, node:diagnostics_channel, and BroadcastChannel.
  • v0.7.3 - Coverage reporting in bun test, plus test filtering with bun test -t.
  • v0.8.0 - Debugger support, fetch streaming, and bun update. ReadStream and WriteStream from node:tty are implemented, including raw mode on process.stdin. SvelteKit support

To install Bun:

curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash
npm install -g bun
brew tap oven-sh/bun
brew install bun
docker pull oven/bun
docker run --rm --init --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 oven/bun

To upgrade Bun:

bun upgrade

Start an HTTP server on a unix domain socket with Bun.serve()

Bun.serve() now supports unix domain sockets, which let you point a socket to a file on your filesystem instead of a network host/port. This is useful when you want to run a server that's only accessible from the same machine, sometimes containers or proxies.

const server = Bun.serve({
  unix: "/tmp/my-socket.sock", // <-- new option
    return new Response("Hello world!");

console.log(`Listening on unix:///tmp/my-socket.sock!`);

To start the server, run bun ./server.ts.

bun ./server.ts
Listening on unix:///tmp/my-socket.sock!

Then, you can use curl to make a request to the socket.

curl --unix-socket /tmp/my-socket.sock http://localhost/my-path
Hello world!

Performance regression in reading request bodies fixed

Bun v0.8.0 (released yesterday) introduced a performance regression in reading request bodies. This has been fixed in v0.8.1.

The following script:

  port: 3000,
  async fetch(request) {
    await request.json();
    return new Response();

Bun v0.8.1:

❯ oha http://localhost:3000 -m POST -d '{"a": 123}' -n 200000
  Success rate:	1.0000
  Total:	1.8099 secs
  Slowest:	0.0068 secs
  Fastest:	0.0000 secs
  Average:	0.0005 secs
  Requests/sec:	110505.0574

Bun v0.8.0:

❯ oha http://localhost:3000 -m POST -d '{"a": 123}' -n 200000
  Success rate:	1.0000
  Total:	5.1787 secs
  Slowest:	0.0121 secs
  Fastest:	0.0002 secs
  Average:	0.0013 secs
  Requests/sec:	38619.4133

That's a 2.8x regression!

The problem was microtask scheduling.

Microtask scheduling

In Bun v0.8, we fixed a longstanding inefficiency in event loop scheduling with the HTTP server & sockets, but missed one case that caused this regression.

JavaScript's event loop has two types of tasks: microtasks and tasks.

setTimeout, setInterval, async I/OqueueMicrotask, Promise.resolve, process.nextTick

Microtasks are scheduled with queueMicrotask(), Promise.resolve(), process.nextTick, and a few other APIs.

Tasks are scheduled with setTimeout(), setInterval(), or by async I/O (such as the HTTP server). Tasks keep the process alive, and microtasks are drained at the end of each task.

You can think of JavaScript's event loop as being a more complicated version of this:

let task;
while ((task = getNextTask())) {

  do {
    let microtask;
    while ((microtask = getNextMicrotask())) {
  } while (hasMicrotasks());

Each task potentially schedules many more microtasks and tasks. Microtasks are drained at the end of each task, and tasks are drained at the end of each event loop iteration.

Bun's event loop previously worked something more like this:

while (true) {
  let task;
  while ((task = getNextTask())) {

    do {
      let microtask;
      while ((microtask = getNextMicrotask())) {
    } while (hasMicrotasks());

  while ((task = getAsyncIOTask())) {

    // where's the microtask draining? 🤔

For async IO, we were not draining microtasks! This led to a lot of unnecessary microtask scheduling, which caused excessive memory usage and delays in certain cases.

But that was not the cause of the performance regression after v0.8.0.

The performance regression was because we forgot to drain microtasks when reading request bodies.

This meant that for every request body, we would schedule a microtask to read the body, and then only drain it sometime later when the next task was scheduled. In < Bun v0.8.0, microtasks created in the HTTP server were drained only after all other tasks completed. That meant that missing microtask draining was consistent everywhere. In Bun v0.8.0, microtasks created in the HTTP server were drained after the current request completed, which means skipping it in this case (reading request bodies) would be unbalanced. It caused this performance regression.

bun install bugfix in malformed version name

The ^0.0.2rc1 verison specifier is invalid, but exists in the wild in npm. Previously, Bun would crash when given this input and that has been fixed.

Statically-known failing require mistakenly inlined at runtime

Bun's bundler automatically inlines failing require() calls when it knows that they will fail at runtime and are inside a try/catch block. This is useful for bundling code that uses optional dependencies.


try {
} catch (e) {
  console.log("I don't exist, but that's okay!");


try {
  (() => {
    // the bug! it shouldn't be inlined here. it should only be inlined when bundling.
    throw new Error(`Cannot require module "i-dont-exist-but-thats-okay"`);
} catch (e) {
  console.log("I don't exist, but that's okay!");

This feature was mistakenly enabled at runtime, not just when bundling. This broke some packages that rely on checking for the existence of a module or checking for the specific code property exposed by Node.js. That has been fixed. Bun's runtime no longer inlines failing require() calls (bundler still does, which is correct)

This bug mostly impacted napi.

Reduced memory usage when there are lots of Headers & Blob objects

Bun's Headers and Blob implementations were not reporting their size to the garbage collector. Since Bun implements many classes in native code, the garbage collector cannot always see how much memory is really being used by a class. When Headers or Blob are large enough, this can cause the garbage collector to not run as often as it should be.

Now Bun reports the size of Headers and Blob to the garbage collector.

fetch() memory reporting bugfix

Currently, every call to fetch() uses about 3 KB of memory. This memory is used in native code, which means it wasn't visible to the garbage collector. Now Bun reports this memory to the garbage collector, which means that the garbage collector will run more often when there are lots of fetch() calls.

bun install bugfix with stale package.json scripts

bun install's lockfile is binary, which lets us store more data than usual in a lockfile. One of the things we store is the package.json scripts. Previously, if you ran bun install and then changed the package.json scripts, bun install would not always pick up the changes. This has been fixed.

Sourcemap bugfix in bun --inspect

Since Bun transpiles every file, Bun must also keep a sourcemap for every file. This is used to make Error.prototype.stack produce sourcemapped stacktraces and console.log to report accurate line numbers.

Sourcemaps unfortunately cost a lot of memory. Instead of storing the entire sourcemap in memory, we store a more compact version until it's first used. The first 24 bytes of the compact version contains extra metadata (such as, the number of lines the original input source code had). This 24 byte header was mistakenly being included in the inline sourcemaps used in bun --inspect, leading to invalid input in the first 24 bytes or so of the JSON sourcemap. Surprisingly, this didn't consistently break sourcemaps. Only sometimes. Regardless, it has been fixed and now Bun includes the sourcemap bytes as expected, without the extra metadata.

Proxy URL with node:http bug has been fixed

When the following script was run with a http_proxy environment variable set, an error was thrown:


import axios from "axios";

const res = await axios.get("https://httpbin.org/get?answer=42");



http_proxy= https_proxy= bun run index.ts


TypeError: fetch() URL is invalid
      at node:http:839

This error shouldn't have happened. It has been fixed, thanks to @Hanaasagi.