
Bun v1.2.6

Jarred Sumner Β· March 25, 2025

This release fixes 74 bugs (addressing 36 πŸ‘). node:crypto gets faster & more compatible. timeout option in Bun.spawn. Support for module.children in node:module. Connect to PostgreSQL via unix sockets with Bun.SQL. Dev Server stability improvements. vm.compileFunction. Initial support for node:test. Faster Express & Fastify.

To install Bun

curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash
npm install -g bun
powershell -c "irm bun.sh/install.ps1|iex"
scoop install bun
brew tap oven-sh/bun
brew install bun
docker pull oven/bun
docker run --rm --init --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 oven/bun

To upgrade Bun

bun upgrade

Faster Express & Fastify

node:http compatibility improvements led to performance improvements for Express and Fastify.

Faster, more compatible node:crypto

In the previous release we rewrote the implementation of crypto.Sign, crypto.Verify, crypto.Hash, and crypto.Hmac from JavaScript to native code using BoringSSL.

In Bun v1.2.6, we've continued this work by rewriting Cipheriv, Decipheriv, DiffieHellman, DiffieHellmanGroup, ECDH, randomFill(Sync), and randomBytes with their tests from Node.js passing. Most notable performance improvements are seen in DiffieHellman, Cipheriv/Decipheriv, and scrypt.

bun crypto-benchmark.mjs
cpu: Apple M1 Max
runtime: bun 1.2.6 (arm64-darwin)

benchmark                                  time (avg)             (min … max)       p75       p99      p995
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
createDiffieHellman - 512              150.61 ms/iter  (23.13 ms … 339.16 ms) 201.08 ms 339.16 ms 339.16 ms
Cipheriv and Decipheriv - aes-256-gcm    3.54 Β΅s/iter     (3.43 Β΅s … 3.98 Β΅s)   3.62 Β΅s   3.98 Β΅s   3.98 Β΅s
scrypt - N=16384, p=1, r=1              47.37 ms/iter   (46.69 ms … 48.12 ms)  47.59 ms  48.12 ms  48.12 ms
bun-1.2.5 crypto-benchmark.mjs
cpu: Apple M1 Max
runtime: bun 1.2.5 (arm64-darwin)

benchmark                                  time (avg)             (min … max)       p75       p99      p995
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
createDiffieHellman - 512               105.15 s/iter    (23.29 s … 319.92 s)  128.47 s  319.92 s  319.92 s
Cipheriv and Decipheriv - aes-256-gcm    1.15 ms/iter     (1.04 ms … 3.72 ms)   1.14 ms    3.3 ms   3.65 ms
scrypt - N=16384, p=1, r=1              365.4 ms/iter (362.31 ms … 368.73 ms) 366.56 ms 368.73 ms 368.73 ms


Thanks to @dylan-conway!

hkdf support

Bun v1.2.6 now implements hkdf (HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function) and hkdfSync from node:crypto. These functions allow you to derive keys of a specific length from an algorithm, input key, salt, and optional info.

import crypto from "node:crypto";

const derivedKey = crypto.hkdfSync(
  "info", // optional info
  32, // length of output key

crypto.hkdf("sha256", "secret-key", "salt", "info", 32, (err, derivedKey) => {
  // console.log(derivedKey);

Thanks to @dylan-conway for implementing this!

prime functions support

Bun now implements the generatePrime, generatePrimeSync, checkPrime, and checkPrimeSync functions from the node:crypto module, allowing you to generate and verify prime numbers.

import crypto from "node:crypto";

// Generate a 512-bit prime number synchronously
const prime = crypto.generatePrimeSync(512);
const isPrime = crypto.checkPrimeSync(prime); // true

crypto.generatePrime(2048, (err, prime) => {
  // `prime` is a 2048-bit prime number

crypto.checkPrime(prime, (err, result) => {
  // `result` is true

Thanks to @dylan-conway!

Fixed: ED25519 crypto key generation from private keys

Fixed a memory error in the Crypto API when generating ED25519 public keys from private keys. The previous implementation incorrectly read out of bounds from the private key, which could lead to unpredictable behavior or crashes.

// Creating an ED25519 key pair and exporting the public key now works correctly
import { generateKeyPair } from "crypto";

const { publicKey, privateKey } = await generateKeyPair("ed25519");
const publicKeyObject = privateKey.export({ type: "spki", format: "pem" });
// This operation is now safer and more reliable

Thanks to @DonIsaac for finding this issue!

Initial support for node:test

Bun now includes initial support for the node:test module, leveraging bun:test under the hood to provide a unified testing experience. This implementation allows you to run Node.js tests with the same performance benefits of Bun's native test runner.

// Use the Node.js test API in your Bun projects
import test from "node:test";

test("basic functionality", (t) => {
  // Your test code here

While most basic tests should work, some advanced features are not yet implemented:

  • Tests within tests (subtests)
  • Mocks
  • Snapshots
  • Timers
  • Custom reporters
  • Programmatic API

Thanks to @Electroid for the contribution!

Dev Server stability improvements

This release fixes several bugs in Bun's dev server, including:

  • Issues with Hot Module Replacement
  • Windows path handling
  • Filesystem watcher

Thanks to @paperclover for the contribution!

timeout in Bun.spawn

The timeout option in Bun.spawn is now supported.

const result = Bun.spawnSync({
  cmd: ["sleep", "1000"],
  timeout: 1000, // Will terminate after 1 second

console.log(result.exitedDueToTimeout); // true

You can still pass an AbortSignal to the spawn function, but people more frequently guess the timeout option instead of using AbortSignal.timeout.

Thanks to @pfgithub!

Connect to PostgreSQL via unix sockets with Bun.SQL

Bun's SQL API now supports connecting to PostgreSQL via Unix sockets, offering improved performance for local database connections.

import { SQL } from "bun";

await using sql = new SQL({
  // Connect via unix socket
  path: "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432", // Full path to socket
  // or just specify the directory
  // path: "/tmp", // Bun will append /.s.PGSQL.{port}

  user: "postgres",
  password: "postgres",
  database: "mydb"

const result = await sql`SELECT * FROM users`;

Thanks to @cirospaciari for implementing this!

Support for module.children in node:module

The module.children array tracks child modules that are loaded by a parent module. This is now supported in Bun.

// The children will be tracked automatically
const childModule = require("./child-module");
console.log(module.children); // [Module { ... }]

Previously, the array was always empty.

Thanks to @paperclover for implementing this!

Bun.SQL query parameter options

Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL connection options, allowing you to properly set runtime configurations like search_path either through the connection URL or via the connection object.

// Use via connection string query parameters
await using db = new SQL(
  { max: 1 }

// Or use via connection options object
await using db = new SQL("postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/mydb", {
  connection: {
    search_path: "information_schema"
  max: 1

// Query tables from the specified schema
const count = await db`SELECT COUNT(*)::INT FROM columns LIMIT 1`.value();

Thanks to @cirospaciari for the contribution!

Improved: Database.deserialize in bun:sqlite

bun:sqlite now allows passing configuration options to Database.deserialize(), including support for strict mode and other database settings. This enhancement provides more control when working with serialized SQLite databases.

// Before: Limited configuration
const db = Database.deserialize(serializedData);

// Now: Configure database settings during deserialization
const db = Database.deserialize(serializedData, {
  readonly: true,
  strict: true,
  safeIntegers: true,

Thanks to @ubirdio for the contribution!

Improved: TLS certificate handling

Improved compatibility with TLS certificate handling, adding support for the translatePeerCertificate function which converts certificate data into a more idiomatic JavaScript representation.

// Now you can use translatePeerCertificate from the _tls_common module
const { translatePeerCertificate } = require("_tls_common");

// Convert raw certificate data to a more developer-friendly format
const formattedCert = translatePeerCertificate(rawCertificate);

This change also adds proper error handling for TLS protocol version issues with the new error types ERR_TLS_INVALID_PROTOCOL_VERSION and ERR_TLS_PROTOCOL_VERSION_CONFLICT.

Thanks to @nektro!

Improved: ReferenceError message

The error message for ReferenceError has been updated in Bun's implementation of the node:vm module to match Node.js and V8 behavior. Reference errors now use "X is not defined" instead of "Can't find variable: X".

foo.bar = 5;
  // ReferenceError: Can't find variable: foo
  // ReferenceError: foo is not defined

Thanks to @zackradisic!

HTTP2 Node.js Compatibility Improvements

Significant improvements to Bun's node:http2 implementation. This update fixes several issues including proper stream management, response handling, and window size configuration.

Thanks to @cirospaciari for the contribution!

Implemented vm.compileFunction from node:vm

Bun now supports Node.js vm.compileFunction API, allowing developers to compile JavaScript code into a function with specific arguments and context.

// Compile a function in a specific context
const vm = require("node:vm");
const context = vm.createContext({ x: 42 });
const fn = vm.compileFunction("return x + y", ["y"], {
  contextExtension: context,

// Call the compiled function
console.log(fn(8)); // 50

Thanks to @zackradisic for the contribution!

1.4 MB smaller binary size

On top of all these fixes, Bun gets 1.4 MB smaller in this release.

❯ ls -lSh ~/Build/bun-v1.2.5/bun-darwin-aarch64/bun
... 56M ...
❯ ls -lSh ~/Build/bun-v1.2.6/bun-darwin-aarch64/bun
... 55M ...


Fixed: Cached UDP socket address reset after connection

The UDP Socket implementation now correctly resets the cached address property after connecting. This ensures that the socket's address information reflects the current connection state, fixing an issue in both Bun.udpSocket and the node:dgram module.

// Before
import { createSocket } from "node:dgram";
const socket = createSocket("udp4");
await new Promise((resolve) => {

socket.connect(60865, "", () => {
  // Before:
  // Bun 1.2.6:

Thanks to @heimskr for fixing this!

Fixed: "svelte" export conditions in bun-plugin-svelte

bun-plugin-svelte now properly handles the "svelte" export condition when resolving packages. This ensures better compatibility with Svelte ecosystem packages like @threlte/core that use this export condition.

// Now works with packages that use the "svelte" export condition
import { Canvas } from "@threlte/core";

Thanks to @jarred for the contribution!

Fixed: warning emitted in setTimeout regression

Fixed an issue where calling setTimeout without specifying a delay parameter would incorrectly emit a TimeoutNaNWarning. Now, only explicitly passing NaN as the delay will trigger the warning.

// Does not emit a warning
setTimeout(() => {});

// This still emits a warning (as expected)
setTimeout(() => {}, NaN);

Thanks to @Electroid for the contribution!

Fixed: trailing slashes in Bun.s3 presign

Fixed an issue in Bun.s3 presign where trailing slashes in paths weren't removed, potentially causing incorrect URL generation when using Bun's S3 client.

Thanks to @nikeee for fixing this!

Fix for :global selector in CSS modules

Fixed an issue where the :global() selector in CSS modules wasn't being processed correctly. The :global() selector is now properly handled, preserving global class names without applying CSS module scoping.

// Before this fix, global selectors wouldn't work correctly
// index.module.css
:global(.button) {
  color: blue;

// Now properly outputs as
.button {
  color: blue;

Thanks to @DonIsaac!

Fixed: global catch-all routes with callback handlers in Bun.serve()

Fixed an issue where global catch-all routes using a callback handler function weren't working properly, while static response objects ('/*': new Response()) worked as expected. Now both approaches work correctly.

// Now works properly
  routes: {
    "/*": () => new Response("Global catch-all"),

Thanks to @pfgithub for fixing this!

Fixed: node: prefix consistency

Bun now maintains the node: prefix in module resolution, correctly handling Node.js built-in modules and providing more accurate error messages when resolving modules.

// Previously
import fs from "node:fs";
// Would be resolved as just "fs"

// Now
import fs from "node:fs";
// Correctly maintains "node:" prefix

// When an unknown built-in module is requested
import nonexistent from "node:nonexistent";
// Throws ERR_UNKNOWN_BUILTIN_MODULE: "No such built-in module: node:nonexistent"

This improves compatibility with Node.js module resolution and provides clearer error messages for missing built-in modules.

Fixed: module.id for entrypoints

The module.id property now correctly reports . for the entry point module, matching Node.js behavior.

// When this file is executed as the main script
console.log(module.id); // "."

// When imported as a module from elsewhere
console.log(module.id); // "/path/to/file.js"

This change increases compatibility with Node.js module handling.

Fixed: N-API string conversion

Fixed several bugs in napi_get_value_string_* and napi_create_string_* functions to better handle edge cases during string conversions between JavaScript and native code. These improvements provide more reliable behavior when working with different string encodings in native addons.

// This should now handle edge cases more reliably
const addon = require("./build/Release/my_addon.node");
const result = addon.convertString("Hello, δΈ–η•Œ");

Thanks to @190n for the contribution!

Fixed: svelte module imports in bun-plugin-svelte

The Svelte plugin for Bun now correctly handles Svelte module imports with proper TypeScript transpilation. This fixes issues with module compilation where errors like "unknown option 'css'" were being thrown. The plugin now uses separate options when compiling Svelte modules versus Svelte components, and transpiles .svelte.ts modules with Bun.Transpiler before calling compileModule.

// Now you can properly import .svelte.ts modules
import { myHelper } from "./helper.svelte.ts";

// And use them in your Svelte components
  import {myHelper} from './helper.svelte.ts'; const result = myHelper();

Thanks to @DonIsaac for the contribution!

Fixed: memory leak edgecase in Bun.spawn with piped output

Fixed a memory leak that occurred when using Bun.spawn with stdout or stderr set to "pipe". Previously, when output pipes completed reading from file descriptors, the associated resources weren't properly cleaned up, resulting in memory leaks.

// Before: Memory would leak when spawning many processes
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
  const proc = Bun.spawn({
    cmd: ["echo", "hello world"],
    stdout: "pipe",
  await proc.exited;

// Now: Memory is properly released when processes complete

Thanks to @DonIsaac for the contribution!

Fixed: edgecase in CSS parser number formatting

Fixed handling of infinity values in CSS to ensure proper rendering in Safari. Specifically when bundling Tailwind v4, rounded-full class now correctly outputs border-radius: 3.40282e38px instead of 1e999px, matching Tailwind's official approach for representing infinity values in CSS.

// Before - caused rendering issues in Safari
// .rounded-full { border-radius: 1e999px; }

// After - properly renders in all browsers
// .rounded-full { border-radius: 3.40282e38px; }

Thanks to @zackradisic for the contribution!

Fixed: shell crash under high process load

Fixed an issue where spawning many processes very quickly using Bun's shell API ($) could cause crashes. The fix properly handles cases where processes exit immediately after being spawned, ensuring proper resource cleanup and exit notification handling.

// This would previously crash after spawning many processes
import { $, which } from "bun";

const cat = which("cat");

// Spawn hundreds of processes in quick succession
const promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  promises.push($`${cat} some_file.txt`.text());

await Promise.all(promises);

Thanks to 23 contributors!