
Bundle frontend & static sites

Bun's bundler has first-class support for HTML. Build static sites, landing pages, and web applications with zero configuration. Just point Bun at your HTML file and it handles everything else.

<!doctype html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles.css" />
    <script src="./app.ts" type="module"></script>
    <img src="./logo.png" />

To get started, pass HTML files to bun.

bun ./index.html
Bunv1.2.2ready in6.62ms
Pressh+Enterto show shortcuts

Bun's development server provides powerful features with zero configuration:

  • Automatic Bundling - Bundles and serves your HTML, JavaScript, and CSS
  • Multi-Entry Support - Handles multiple HTML entry points and glob entry points
  • Modern JavaScript - TypeScript & JSX support out of the box
  • Smart Configuration - Reads tsconfig.json for paths, JSX options, experimental decorators, and more
  • Plugins - Plugins for TailwindCSS and more
  • ESM & CommonJS - Use ESM and CommonJS in your JavaScript, TypeScript, and JSX files
  • CSS Bundling & Minification - Bundles CSS from <link> tags and @import statements
  • Asset Management
    • Automatic copying & hashing of images and assets
    • Rewrites asset paths in JavaScript, CSS, and HTML

Single Page Apps (SPA)

When you pass a single .html file to Bun, Bun will use it as a fallback route for all paths. This makes it perfect for single page apps that use client-side routing:

bun index.html
Bunv1.2.2ready in6.62ms
Pressh+Enterto show shortcuts

Your React or other SPA will work out of the box — no configuration needed. All routes like /about, /users/123, etc. will serve the same HTML file, letting your client-side router handle the navigation.

<!doctype html>
    <title>My SPA</title>
    <script src="./app.tsx" type="module"></script>
    <div id="root"></div>

Multi-page apps (MPA)

Some projects have several separate routes or HTML files as entry points. To support multiple entry points, pass them all to bun

bun ./index.html ./about.html
Bunv1.2.2ready in6.62ms
Pressh+Enterto show shortcuts

This will serve:

  • index.html at /
  • about.html at /about

Glob patterns

To specify multiple files, you can use glob patterns that end in .html:

bun ./**/*.html
Bunv1.2.2ready in6.62ms
Pressh+Enterto show shortcuts

Path normalization

The base path is chosen from the longest common prefix among all the files.

bun ./index.html ./about/index.html ./about/foo/index.html
Bunv1.2.2ready in6.62ms
Pressh+Enterto show shortcuts

JavaScript, TypeScript, and JSX

Bun's transpiler natively implements JavaScript, TypeScript, and JSX support. Learn more about loaders in Bun.

Bun's transpiler is also used at runtime.

ES Modules & CommonJS

You can use ESM and CJS in your JavaScript, TypeScript, and JSX files. Bun will handle the transpilation and bundling automatically.

There is no pre-build or separate optimization step. It's all done at the same time.

Learn more about module resolution in Bun.


Bun's CSS parser is also natively implemented (clocking in around 58,000 lines of Zig).

It's also a CSS bundler. You can use @import in your CSS files to import other CSS files.

For example:

@import "./abc.css";

.container {
  background-color: blue;
body {
  background-color: red;

This outputs:

body {
  background-color: red;

.container {
  background-color: blue;

Referencing local assets in CSS

You can reference local assets in your CSS files.

body {
  background-image: url("./logo.png");

This will copy ./logo.png to the output directory and rewrite the path in the CSS file to include a content hash.

body {
  background-image: url("./logo-[ABC123].png");

Importing CSS in JavaScript

To associate a CSS file with a JavaScript file, you can import it in your JavaScript file.

import "./styles.css";
import "./more-styles.css";

This generates ./app.css and ./app.js in the output directory. All CSS files imported from JavaScript will be bundled into a single CSS file per entry point. If you import the same CSS file from multiple JavaScript files, it will only be included once in the output CSS file.


The dev server supports plugins.

Tailwind CSS

To use TailwindCSS, install the bun-plugin-tailwind plugin:

# Or any npm client
bun install --dev bun-plugin-tailwind

Then, add the plugin to your bunfig.toml:

plugins = ["bun-plugin-tailwind"]

Then, reference TailwindCSS in your HTML via <link> tag, @import in CSS, or import in JavaScript.

<!-- Reference TailwindCSS in your HTML -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="tailwindcss" />
/* Import TailwindCSS in your CSS */
@import "tailwindcss";
/* Import TailwindCSS in your JavaScript */
import "tailwindcss";

Only one of those are necessary, not all three.

Keyboard Shortcuts

While the server is running:

  • o + Enter - Open in browser
  • c + Enter - Clear console
  • q + Enter (or Ctrl+C) - Quit server

Build for Production

When you're ready to deploy, use bun build to create optimized production bundles:

bun build ./index.html --minify --outdir=dist
  entrypoints: ["./index.html"],
  outdir: "./dist",
  minify: {
    whitespace: true,
    identifiers: true,
    syntax: true,

Currently, plugins are only supported through Bun.build's API or through bunfig.toml with the frontend dev server - not yet supported in bun build's CLI.

Watch Mode

You can run bun build --watch to watch for changes and rebuild automatically. This works nicely for library development.

You've never seen a watch mode this fast.

Plugin API

Need more control? Configure the bundler through the JavaScript API and use Bun's builtin HTMLRewriter to preprocess HTML.

await Bun.build({
  entrypoints: ["./index.html"],
  outdir: "./dist",
  minify: true,

  plugins: [
      // A plugin that makes every HTML tag lowercase
      name: "lowercase-html-plugin",
      setup({ onLoad }) {
        const rewriter = new HTMLRewriter().on("*", {
          element(element) {
            element.tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
          text(element) {

        onLoad({ filter: /\.html$/ }, async args => {
          const html = await Bun.file(args.path).text();

          return {
            // Bun's bundler will scan the HTML for <script> tags, <link rel="stylesheet"> tags, and other assets
            // and bundle them automatically
            contents: rewriter.transform(html),
            loader: "html",

What Gets Processed?

Bun automatically handles all common web assets:

  • Scripts (<script src>) are run through Bun's JavaScript/TypeScript/JSX bundler
  • Stylesheets (<link rel="stylesheet">) are run through Bun's CSS parser & bundler
  • Images (<img>, <picture>) are copied and hashed
  • Media (<video>, <audio>, <source>) are copied and hashed
  • Any <link> tag with an href attribute pointing to a local file is rewritten to the new path, and hashed

All paths are resolved relative to your HTML file, making it easy to organize your project however you want.

This is a work in progress

  • No HMR support yet
  • Need more plugins
  • Need more configuration options for things like asset handling
  • Need a way to configure CORS, headers, etc.

If you want to submit a PR, most of the code is here. You could even copy paste that file into your project and use it as a starting point.

How this works

This is a small wrapper around Bun's support for HTML imports in JavaScript.

Adding a backend to your frontend

To add a backend to your frontend, you can use the "static" option in Bun.serve.

Learn more in the full-stack docs.