HTMLRewriter lets you use CSS selectors to transform HTML documents. It works with Request
, Response
, as well as string
. Bun's implementation is based on Cloudflare's lol-html.
A common usecase is rewriting URLs in HTML content. Here's an example that rewrites image sources and link URLs to use a CDN domain:
// Replace all images with a rickroll
const rewriter = new HTMLRewriter().on("img", {
element(img) {
// Famous rickroll video thumbnail
// Wrap the image in a link to the video
'<a href="" target="_blank">',
{ html: true },
img.after("</a>", { html: true });
// Add some fun alt text
img.setAttribute("alt", "Definitely not a rickroll");
// An example HTML document
const html = `
<img src="/cat.jpg">
<img src="dog.png">
<img src="">
const result = rewriter.transform(html);
This replaces all images with a thumbnail of Rick Astley and wraps each <img>
in a link, producing a diff like this:
<img src="/cat.jpg">
<img src="dog.png">
<img src="">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" alt="Definitely not a rickroll">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" alt="Definitely not a rickroll">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" alt="Definitely not a rickroll">
Now every image on the page will be replaced with a thumbnail of Rick Astley, and clicking any image will lead to a very famous video.
Input types
HTMLRewriter can transform HTML from various sources. The input is automatically handled based on its type:
// From Response
rewriter.transform(new Response("<div>content</div>"));
// From string
// From ArrayBuffer
rewriter.transform(new TextEncoder().encode("<div>content</div>").buffer);
// From Blob
rewriter.transform(new Blob(["<div>content</div>"]));
// From File
Note that Cloudflare Workers implementation of HTMLRewriter only supports Response
Element Handlers
The on(selector, handlers)
method allows you to register handlers for HTML elements that match a CSS selector. The handlers are called for each matching element during parsing:
rewriter.on("div.content", {
// Handle elements
element(element) {
element.setAttribute("class", "new-content");
element.append("<p>New content</p>", { html: true });
// Handle text nodes
text(text) {
text.replace("new text");
// Handle comments
comments(comment) {
The handlers can be asynchronous and return a Promise. Note that async operations will block the transformation until they complete:
rewriter.on("div", {
async element(element) {
await Bun.sleep(1000);
element.setInnerContent("<span>replace</span>", { html: true });
CSS Selector Support
The on()
method supports a wide range of CSS selectors:
// Tag selectors
rewriter.on("p", handler);
// Class selectors
rewriter.on("", handler);
// ID selectors
rewriter.on("h1#header", handler);
// Attribute selectors
rewriter.on("p[data-test]", handler); // Has attribute
rewriter.on('p[data-test="one"]', handler); // Exact match
rewriter.on('p[data-test="one" i]', handler); // Case-insensitive
rewriter.on('p[data-test="one" s]', handler); // Case-sensitive
rewriter.on('p[data-test~="two"]', handler); // Word match
rewriter.on('p[data-test^="a"]', handler); // Starts with
rewriter.on('p[data-test$="1"]', handler); // Ends with
rewriter.on('p[data-test*="b"]', handler); // Contains
rewriter.on('p[data-test|="a"]', handler); // Dash-separated
// Combinators
rewriter.on("div span", handler); // Descendant
rewriter.on("div > span", handler); // Direct child
// Pseudo-classes
rewriter.on("p:nth-child(2)", handler);
rewriter.on("p:first-child", handler);
rewriter.on("p:nth-of-type(2)", handler);
rewriter.on("p:first-of-type", handler);
rewriter.on("p:not(:first-child)", handler);
// Universal selector
rewriter.on("*", handler);
Element Operations
Elements provide various methods for manipulation. All modification methods return the element instance for chaining:
rewriter.on("div", {
element(el) {
// Attributes
el.setAttribute("class", "new-class").setAttribute("data-id", "123");
const classAttr = el.getAttribute("class"); // "new-class"
const hasId = el.hasAttribute("id"); // boolean
// Content manipulation
el.setInnerContent("New content"); // Escapes HTML by default
el.setInnerContent("<p>HTML content</p>", { html: true }); // Parses HTML
el.setInnerContent(""); // Clear content
// Position manipulation
el.before("Content before")
.after("Content after")
.prepend("First child")
.append("Last child");
// HTML content insertion
el.before("<span>before</span>", { html: true })
.after("<span>after</span>", { html: true })
.prepend("<span>first</span>", { html: true })
.append("<span>last</span>", { html: true });
// Removal
el.remove(); // Remove element and contents
el.removeAndKeepContent(); // Remove only the element tags
// Properties
console.log(el.tagName); // Lowercase tag name
console.log(el.namespaceURI); // Element's namespace URI
console.log(el.selfClosing); // Whether element is self-closing (e.g. <div />)
console.log(el.canHaveContent); // Whether element can contain content (false for void elements like <br>)
console.log(el.removed); // Whether element was removed
// Attributes iteration
for (const [name, value] of el.attributes) {
console.log(name, value);
// End tag handling
el.onEndTag(endTag => {
endTag.before("Before end tag");
endTag.after("After end tag");
endTag.remove(); // Remove the end tag
console.log(; // Tag name in lowercase
Text Operations
Text handlers provide methods for text manipulation. Text chunks represent portions of text content and provide information about their position in the text node:
rewriter.on("p", {
text(text) {
// Content
console.log(text.text); // Text content
console.log(text.lastInTextNode); // Whether this is the last chunk
console.log(text.removed); // Whether text was removed
// Manipulation
text.before("Before text").after("After text").replace("New text").remove();
// HTML content insertion
.before("<span>before</span>", { html: true })
.after("<span>after</span>", { html: true })
.replace("<span>replace</span>", { html: true });
Comment Operations
Comment handlers allow comment manipulation with similar methods to text nodes:
rewriter.on("*", {
comments(comment) {
// Content
console.log(comment.text); // Comment text
comment.text = "New comment text"; // Set comment text
console.log(comment.removed); // Whether comment was removed
// Manipulation
.before("Before comment")
.after("After comment")
.replace("New comment")
// HTML content insertion
.before("<span>before</span>", { html: true })
.after("<span>after</span>", { html: true })
.replace("<span>replace</span>", { html: true });
Document Handlers
The onDocument(handlers)
method allows you to handle document-level events. These handlers are called for events that occur at the document level rather than within specific elements:
// Handle doctype
doctype(doctype) {
console.log(; // "html"
console.log(doctype.publicId); // public identifier if present
console.log(doctype.systemId); // system identifier if present
// Handle text nodes
text(text) {
// Handle comments
comments(comment) {
// Handle document end
end(end) {
end.append("<!-- Footer -->", { html: true });
Response Handling
When transforming a Response:
- The status code, headers, and other response properties are preserved
- The body is transformed while maintaining streaming capabilities
- Content-encoding (like gzip) is handled automatically
- The original response body is marked as used after transformation
- Headers are cloned to the new response
Error Handling
HTMLRewriter operations can throw errors in several cases:
- Invalid selector syntax in
method - Invalid HTML content in transformation methods
- Stream errors when processing Response bodies
- Memory allocation failures
- Invalid input types (e.g., passing Symbol)
- Body already used errors
Errors should be caught and handled appropriately:
try {
const result = rewriter.transform(input);
// Process result
} catch (error) {
console.error("HTMLRewriter error:", error);
See also
You can also read the Cloudflare documentation, which this API is intended to be compatible with.