
bun install

The bun CLI contains a Node.js-compatible package manager designed to be a dramatically faster replacement for npm, yarn, and pnpm. It's a standalone tool that will work in pre-existing Node.js projects; if your project has a package.json, bun install can help you speed up your workflow.

⚡️ 25x faster — Switch from npm install to bun install in any Node.js project to make your installations up to 25x faster.

For Linux users

To install all dependencies of a project:

bun install

Running bun install will:

  • Install all dependencies, devDependencies, and optionalDependencies. Bun will install peerDependencies by default.
  • Run your project's {pre|post}install and {pre|post}prepare scripts at the appropriate time. For security reasons Bun does not execute lifecycle scripts of installed dependencies.
  • Write a bun.lock lockfile to the project root.


To modify logging verbosity:

bun install --verbose # debug logging
bun install --silent  # no logging

Lifecycle scripts

Unlike other npm clients, Bun does not execute arbitrary lifecycle scripts like postinstall for installed dependencies. Executing arbitrary scripts represents a potential security risk.

To tell Bun to allow lifecycle scripts for a particular package, add the package to trustedDependencies in your package.json.

  "name": "my-app",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "trustedDependencies": ["my-trusted-package"]

Then re-install the package. Bun will read this field and run lifecycle scripts for my-trusted-package.

Lifecycle scripts will run in parallel during installation. To adjust the maximum number of concurrent scripts, use the --concurrent-scripts flag. The default is two times the reported cpu count or GOMAXPROCS.

bun install --concurrent-scripts 5


Bun supports "workspaces" in package.json. For complete documentation refer to Package manager > Workspaces.

  "name": "my-app",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "workspaces": ["packages/*"],
  "dependencies": {
    "preact": "^10.5.13"

Installing dependencies for specific packages

In a monorepo, you can install the dependencies for a subset of packages using the --filter flag.

# Install dependencies for all workspaces except `pkg-c`
bun install --filter '!pkg-c'

# Install dependencies for only `pkg-a` in `./packages/pkg-a`
bun install --filter './packages/pkg-a'

For more information on filtering with bun install, refer to Package Manager > Filtering

Overrides and resolutions

Bun supports npm's "overrides" and Yarn's "resolutions" in package.json. These are mechanisms for specifying a version range for metadependencies—the dependencies of your dependencies. Refer to Package manager > Overrides and resolutions for complete documentation.

  "name": "my-app",
  "dependencies": {
    "foo": "^2.0.0"
  "overrides": {
    "bar": "~4.4.0"

Global packages

To install a package globally, use the -g/--global flag. Typically this is used for installing command-line tools.

bun install --global cowsay # or `bun install -g cowsay`
cowsay "Bun!"
< Bun! >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

Production mode

To install in production mode (i.e. without devDependencies or optionalDependencies):

bun install --production

For reproducible installs, use --frozen-lockfile. This will install the exact versions of each package specified in the lockfile. If your package.json disagrees with bun.lock, Bun will exit with an error. The lockfile will not be updated.

bun install --frozen-lockfile

For more information on Bun's lockfile bun.lock, refer to Package manager > Lockfile.

Omitting dependencies

To omit dev, peer, or optional dependencies use the --omit flag.

# Exclude "devDependencies" from the installation. This will apply to the
# root package and workspaces if they exist. Transitive dependencies will
# not have "devDependencies".
bun install --omit dev

# Install only dependencies from "dependencies"
bun install --omit=dev --omit=peer --omit=optional

Dry run

To perform a dry run (i.e. don't actually install anything):

bun install --dry-run

Non-npm dependencies

Bun supports installing dependencies from Git, GitHub, and local or remotely-hosted tarballs. For complete documentation refer to Package manager > Git, GitHub, and tarball dependencies.

  "dependencies": {
    "dayjs": "git+https://github.com/iamkun/dayjs.git",
    "lodash": "git+ssh://github.com/lodash/lodash.git#4.17.21",
    "moment": "git@github.com:moment/moment.git",
    "zod": "github:colinhacks/zod",
    "react": "https://registry.npmjs.org/react/-/react-18.2.0.tgz",
    "bun-types": "npm:@types/bun"


The default behavior of bun install can be configured in bunfig.toml. The default values are shown below.


# whether to install optionalDependencies
optional = true

# whether to install devDependencies
dev = true

# whether to install peerDependencies
peer = true

# equivalent to `--production` flag
production = false

# equivalent to `--save-text-lockfile` flag
saveTextLockfile = false

# equivalent to `--frozen-lockfile` flag
frozenLockfile = false

# equivalent to `--dry-run` flag
dryRun = false

# equivalent to `--concurrent-scripts` flag
concurrentScripts = 16 # (cpu count or GOMAXPROCS) x2


Looking to speed up your CI? Use the official oven-sh/setup-bun action to install bun in a GitHub Actions pipeline.

name: bun-types
    name: build-app
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Install bun
        uses: oven-sh/setup-bun@v2
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: bun install
      - name: Build app
        run: bun run build

CLI Usage

$bun install <name>@<version>


Lockfile Management

Write a yarn.lock file (yarn v1)
Don't update package.json or save a lockfile
Save to package.json (true by default)
Disallow changes to lockfile
Save a text-based lockfile
Generate a lockfile without installing dependencies

Dependency Management

Don't install devDependencies
Always request the latest versions from the registry & reinstall all dependencies
Skip lifecycle scripts in the project's package.json (dependency scripts are never run)
Add to trustedDependencies in the project's package.json and install the package(s)
Exclude 'dev', 'optional', or 'peer' dependencies from install
Add dependency to "devDependencies"
Add dependency to "optionalDependencies"
Add dependency to "peerDependencies"
Add the exact version instead of the ^range
Only add dependencies to package.json if they are not already present

Installation Behavior

Don't install anything
Store & load cached data from a specific directory path
Ignore manifest cache entirely
Skip verifying integrity of newly downloaded packages
Install globally
Platform-specific optimizations for installing dependencies. Possible values: "clonefile" (default), "hardlink", "symlink", "copyfile"
Maximum number of concurrent jobs for lifecycle scripts (default 5)
Maximum number of concurrent network requests (default 48)
Analyze & install all dependencies of files passed as arguments recursively (using Bun's bundler)

Output and Logging

Don't log anything
Excessively verbose logging
Disable the progress bar
Don't print a summary


Specify path to config file (bunfig.toml)
Provide a Certificate Authority signing certificate
The same as `--ca`, but is a file path to the certificate
Set a specific cwd
Use a specific registry by default, overriding .npmrc, bunfig.toml and environment variables
Install packages for the matching workspaces


Print this help menu


Install the dependencies for the current project
bun install
Skip devDependencies
bun install --production
Full documentation is available at https://bun.sh/docs/cli/install