
.npmrc support

Bun supports loading configuration options from .npmrc files, allowing you to reuse existing registry/scope configurations.

NOTE: We recommend migrating your .npmrc file to Bun's bunfig.toml format, as it provides more flexible options and can let you configure Bun-specific options.

Supported options

registry: Set the default registry

The default registry is used to resolve packages, it's default value is npm's official registry (https://registry.npmjs.org/).

To change it, you can set the registry option in .npmrc:


The equivalent bunfig.toml option is install.registry:

install.registry = "http://localhost:4873/"

@<scope>:registry: Set the registry for a specific scope

Allows you to set the registry for a specific scope:


The equivalent bunfig.toml option is to add a key in install.scopes:

myorg = "http://localhost:4873/"

//<registry_url>/:<key>=<value>: Confgure options for a specific registry

Allows you to set options for a specific registry:

# set an auth token for the registry
# ${...} is a placeholder for environment variables

# or you could set a username and password
# note that the password is base64 encoded


# or use _auth, which is your username and password
# combined into a single string, which is then base 64 encoded

The following options are supported:

  • _authToken
  • username
  • _password (base64 encoded password)
  • _auth (base64 encoded username:password, e.g. btoa(username + ":" + password))

The equivalent bunfig.toml option is to add a key in install.scopes:

myorg = { url = "http://localhost:4873/", username = "myusername", password = "$NPM_PASSWORD" }