

Running bun install will create a lockfile called bun.lock.

Should it be committed to git?


Generate a lockfile without installing?

To generate a lockfile without installing to node_modules you can use the --lockfile-only flag. The lockfile will always be saved to disk, even if it is up-to-date with the package.json(s) for your project.

bun install --lockfile-only

Note - using --lockfile-only will still populate the global install cache with registry metadata and git/tarball dependencies.

Can I opt out?

To install without creating a lockfile:

bun install --no-save

To install a Yarn lockfile in addition to bun.lock.

CLI flag
CLI flag
bun install --yarn
# whether to save a non-Bun lockfile alongside bun.lock
# only "yarn" is supported
print = "yarn"

Text-based lockfile

Bun v1.2 changed the default lockfile format to the text-based bun.lock. Existing binary bun.lockb lockfiles can be migrated to the new format by running bun install --save-text-lockfile --frozen-lockfile --lockfile-only and deleting bun.lockb.

More information about the new lockfile format can be found on our blogpost.