
GuidesPackage manager

Using bun install with an Azure Artifacts npm registry

In Azure Artifact's instructions for .npmrc, they say to base64 encode the password. Do not do this for bun install. Bun will automatically base64 encode the password for you if needed.

Azure Artifacts is a package management system for Azure DevOps. It allows you to host your own private npm registry, npm packages, and other types of packages as well.

To use it with bun install, add a bunfig.toml file to your project with the following contents. Make sure to replace my-azure-artifacts-user with your Azure Artifacts username, such as jarred1234.

url = "https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/my-azure-artifacts-user/_packaging/my-azure-artifacts-user/npm/registry"
username = "my-azure-artifacts-user"
# Bun v1.0.3+ supports using an environment variable here
password = "$NPM_PASSWORD"

Then assign your Azure Personal Access Token to the NPM_PASSWORD environment variable. Bun automatically reads .env files, so create a file called .env in your project root. There is no need to base-64 encode this token! Bun will do this for you.

NPM_PASSWORD=<paste token here>

To configure Azure Artifacts without bunfig.toml, you can set the NPM_CONFIG_REGISTRY environment variable. The URL should include :username and :_password as query parameters. Replace <USERNAME> and <PASSWORD> with the apprropriate values.


In Azure Artifact's instructions for .npmrc, they say to base64 encode the password. Do not do this for bun install. Bun will automatically base64 encode the password for you if needed.

Tip — If it ends with ==, it probably is base64 encoded.

To decode a base64-encoded password, open your browser console and run:

atob("<base64-encoded password>");

Alternatively, use the base64 command line tool, but doing so means it may be saved in your terminal history which is not recommended:

echo "base64-encoded-password" | base64 --decode