

Debugging Bun with the VS Code extension

VSCode extension support is currently buggy. We recommend the Web Debugger for now.

Bun speaks the WebKit Inspector Protocol so you can debug your code with an interactive debugger.

To install the extension, visit the Bun for Visual Studio Code page on the VS Code marketplace website, then click Install.

Alternatively, search bun-vscode in the Extensions tab of VS Code.

Make sure you are installing the extension published by the verified Oven organization.

Once installed, two new Bun-specific commands will appear in the Command Palette. To open the palette, click View > Command Palette, or type Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows, Linux) or Cmd+Shift+P on (Mac).

The Bun: Run File command will execute your code and print the output to the Debug Console in VS Code. Breakpoints will be ignored; this is similar to executing the file with bun <file> from the command line.

The Bun: Debug File command will execute your code and print the output to the Debug Console in VS Code. You can set breakpoints in your code by clicking to the left of a line number; a red dot should appear.

When you run the file with Bun: Debug File, execution will pause at the breakpoint. You can inspect the variables in scope and step through the code line-by-line using the VS Code controls.