
GuidesWriting files

Write a string to a file with Bun

This code snippet writes a string to disk at a particular absolute path.

It uses the fast Bun.write() API to efficiently write data to disk. The first argument is a destination; the second is the data to write.

const path = "/path/to/file.txt";
await Bun.write(path, "Lorem ipsum");

Any relative paths will be resolved relative to the project root (the nearest directory containing a package.json file).

const path = "./file.txt";
await Bun.write(path, "Lorem ipsum");

You can pass a BunFile as the destination. Bun.write() will write the data to its associated path.

const path = Bun.file("./file.txt");
await Bun.write(path, "Lorem ipsum");

Bun.write() returns the number of bytes written to disk.

const path = "./file.txt";
const bytes = await Bun.write(path, "Lorem ipsum");
// => 11

See Docs > API > File I/O for complete documentation of Bun.write().